Another in my series of Stamp A Stack Christmas card samples.
Would you like to make your own holiday cards this year? Please come enjoy some light holiday refreshments, chances at door prizes, fun and laughter! Register a friend that is not one of my customers when you register and receive a $5 discount as a thank you! (Two friends-$10 off, etc).
You choose your favorite five designs and make 4 of each for a total of 20 cards and envelopes. Fee is $25. Additional sets of five cards of one design is $3.
You must pre-pay/register prior to the events and seating is limited. Payment must be received by Nov 1st for your registration to be complete.
Dates: Nov 8th 1-5 PM, Nov 20th 7-11 PM, Nov 21st 1-5 PM, Dec 1st 9-1 AM or 7-11PM.
More samples to follow….choose your favorites!!

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