Save your memories in these 2-two page layouts. All mats and elements are cut for you. The kits will include all embellishments and written instructions containing directions and tips to make your pages look fabulous! The directions will contain the measurements for the photo sizes. Simply print and trim your photos!
This kit will also include a full package of Heart & Home Memories and More cards ($10 value) that you will use on your pages. There will be lots leftovers for other layouts or you can use them to make quick and easy greeting cards.
Cost $25
Shipping is $7 additional. Please be sure to select your shipping on the payment form if you will not be doing a porch pick-up.
Grab your friends and take this class in person. I am happy to host a group of 4 or more in person. Email me to make these arrangements.
Read more and register here: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ej1yqqfj76a3c164&llr=8uqacjabb&showPage=true

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