Let’s enjoy a spring afternoon of Tea and Bingo -“Springo”.
Saturday, May 14th 12-5 (doors open at 11:30).

Make 3 cards featuring new products from the Annual Catalog & play 3 rounds of Bingo. There will be prizes for the bingo games, door prizes & a tea party themed luncheon.
Fee will include a canvas “goody bag”
Fee:$35. Registration closes May 8th, but if you register early, by April 29th, you will receive a new embellishment from the Annual cataolg for free! ($8 value).
This will be my Giveback Giveaway day: On tables will be all my new and used retired merchandise that I am donating in exchange for items or cash/checks for the St Jude’s Food Pantry in Londonderry. You may take as much as you wish, all I ask is that you be very generous in return.
Please note*** while you are gathering the items you are donating, please double check expiration dates as the pantry cannot accept expired products***
The food pantry has expressed a serious need of the following items: pancake mix (the just add water kind), syrup, peanut butter and jelly, breakfast cereals and boxed Mac & cheese. Toiletries are a big hit, and they don’t get that kind of stuff donated often. Items like shaving supplies, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine hygiene supplies, as well as facial tissue, toilet paper and paper towels.
Register here: https://conta.cc/3K6CFXj

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