There are BIG changes coming to My Stamping Spot in 2024 for my In Person Clubs, but first, two free, fun events for you!
1) I am hosting an open house in Windham this Saturday, January 4th 1-4. I will be featuring all the new upcoming products and have several make & take stations for you to work on along with light refreshments. I encourage you all to join me for this free event if possible. You can register here so that I have enough card kits precut: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/sq5cb9m Registration closes today.
2) In addition, I am hosting a free virtual event on Facebook on Saturday Jan 18th. I am offering kits for free to be completed live online (no written directions). You can register for that here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/uvby3ak Registration closes this weekend for this event.
I am rearranging the schedule for January Clubs as I cannot get enough new, exciting products for everyone to use if I do not—the new products go live January 7th.
MONDAY CLUB- January 6th (hosts are Justine and Debbie). Starting in March, you will start the new club structure outlined below. Host Code: 2JQAGNBF
Coffee Club- January 8th (no hostess) You will start the new club structure outlined below. (Use Host code: UVFRWFE6 to be raffled for a free SAB item. Do not use code if ordering $150 or more (collect your own hostess benefits), but you will still be entered for a free item)
Friday Club-January 10th (no hostess) You will start the new club structure outlined below (Host code: DCDZQ7A3 to be raffled for a free SAB item. Do not use code if ordering $150 or more (collect your own hostess benefits), but you will still be entered for a free item)
THE NEW IN PERSON CLUB STRUCTURE starting January 2024 –as we have discussed, SU! is doing away with their hosting rewards in 2024. The downside of this is that there will be no big “payday” for regular club members. The upside of them doing away with these perks is that beginning in March, you will begin to accrue 10% of all your purchases effective in March. It will be good to use on your next purchase, or you can save them up for up to one year to make a large purchase. (think Kohls cash). Please note: You will have to have an online account beginning March 1st in order to take advantage of these perks. I will still be able to place orders for you, but you will need an account in order to redeem your perks.
— Club fees will be a flat price of $25 or FREE with a minimum $30 purchase.
— After 6 consecutive attendances of club, you can choose:
1) A freebie from my basket of goodies-this will include bundles of premade cards, extra product, completed 3D treat items and more! AND
2) one of the weekly “Spotlight” classes I feature for FREE as my thank you gift to you for your continued support! During your 6th month, I will have a bin with classes for you to choose from and go home with that night! I feature a different stamp/bundle/DSP/product weekly on Facebook. I will begin to cut extra kits each month and you can choose from the kits I have on hand the night of your sixth month. These classes range from 4-7 cards and are exclusive to online purchases made during the featured week. To view some of the “Spotlight” classes that I have featured this past fall, check out the blog here: My Stamping Spot | Just another WordPress site
PLEASE NOTE*** Your club attendance must be 6 consecutive months for these perks.
— Loyalty card punches earned will end effective March 1st when the new SU! program begins. You can continue to earn rewards until that point. You may redeem any points you have accrued during the 2025 calendar year. I have fallen behind this fall if you order online directly but will get caught up by mid-month. Thanks for your patience on that!
— If you cannot attend the date of your club, you can choose a substitute day, if space allows or you can have a friend stamp your kits and make payment/order arrangements. (It is against SU! policy for me to stamp items for you). You do not physically have to be here to collect on your 6 consecutive months gifts. Until March 1, host codes must be used (unless a purchase of $150) to be considered a club purchase.
— No double dipping! Club purchases may not be used towards a “Spotlight” class purchase. The only way to obtain a Spotlight class is to make a purchase outside of your club purchase or to choose from available Spotlight classes on your sixth consecutive month.
— This structure may change based on attendance. It is going to be significantly more expensive to run in-house clubs. They are my favorite part of my business, and I am determined to make them work!! I would be grateful for advance notice if you are deciding not to continue or if you know of dates that you will not be in attendance and will not be picking up kits so that I am not wasting time and product cutting unnecessary kits. Thank you!
Change is hard! With the hostess codes going away effective March 1st, there was so much to consider. (these codes do not just affect your clubs, but also affect every order I place, limiting the amount of free product that I can use for cutting club kits and give aways). I know a lot of the above info may be confusing at first, but we will get it all shaken out in the end. I have spent months trying to find a cost-effective formula while giving you the best possible value. Please feel free to bring to my attention any concerns or questions that you may have!
I enjoy your company so much and consider you all friends. You are all such a blessing to me both personally and professionally. I thank you for that!

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