MIA-some explanation

Do you ever just feel overwhelmed? Emotional?

Well, this is why I have been missing in action. I am so blessed to have such a caring, vibrant community and I am so grateful to all of you that have noticed that I was missing. Thank you for checking in on me.

Some explanation. ….a close family member, my brother is very ill. And, I am relishing the time I have to spend with him. I am one of 5 and we grew up very close. There are three years between us (I am his kid sister) and born just a day apart on the calendar.

Michael has always been so good to me, probably better than I ever deserved. As kids, we had silly jokes, broken lamps we kept from our folks, we opened locked windows when past curfew and more! As teens, he was the protective big brother when guys came around, offering advice. He played in a band, and I loved to see him play whether it was at high school dances or at some clubs in the Boston area. He has an artistic talent and has worked hard over the years fine tuning his craft. At one point, we even started an art business together (I did none of the painting! haha). When he became an uncle to my kids, he stepped up to the plate with a great mix of responsibility and teaching them naughty things. When he had kids, I loved them like my own. Now that our kids are older, we share our pride in our combined 7 children, our fears, our dreams, silly stories, politics and more!

I could go on for days about all the ways I respect my brother and why I love him so, but I think you get the picture. I call him a warrior. It is a word that fits him perfectly. He has such courage and a positive perspective on all things.

While I have been MIA, I have been working behind the scenes. And, with the help of Joelle, we are keeping pace here at The Spot. (Thank you, Joelle!)

Starting Monday, I will be back daily offering video inspirations. I cannot commit to specific times, I am sorry, I am all over the place next week, but you will see me on the more regular schedule of Mon, Tuesday Night Bingo, Thursday and Friday. I will be spotlighting the Memorable Blooms Bundle. Have you seen it?

The dies are very unique, and I am really excited to share projects with you!

In the meantime, I will be launching the February Stamp Club by Mail this weekend. The stamp set I am using through May for this club is With You In Mind #164747 $20. When you complete any 6 months, you will receive a $25 Gift card that can be used like cash for any classes I offer or towards the purchase price of any current product.

Here is a sneak peek:

Okay, I hope you all have a nice weekend and I will see you over on Facebook on Monday with my first Spotlight card of the week.

Blessing to you all.

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